Marshal Liu

Investment advisor

Marshal Liu

M.mgt. RRC

Investment advisor

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Marshal Liu

M.mgt. RRC

Investment advisor

Since Marshal Liu graduated from his master degree of International Accounting and Finance from the University of Windsor, he has accumulated and developed more than 14 years of experience in the financial industry. Marshal started his career as an insurance advisor at Sunlife Canada and has been working hard to develop holistic financial service experiences and skills for his clients by delivering sophisticated and proactive financial services including asset accumulation, estate planning and wealth management in different life stage.

Marshal focuses on assisting young professional Canadian families and Chinese immigrants in deploying their wealth into the North American investment market. Marshal is committed to build long-term relationships with his clients and entrepreneurs by hearing and learning their financial situation deeply, respect and understanding their investment personality and financial background, offering and servicing them for their long term wealth development goals and transfer wealth efficiently to the next generation.

Beyond his professional pursuits, Marshal is passionate and energetic towards life, he enjoys soccer, exercising and music. He is also a father of two lovely children in the family and chasing dreams with them together.

"Investment is not a game of predictions or reckless desires but a commitment to understanding its long-term value and assessing one’s capacity to bear its risks."

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