Thank you for choosing AimStar Capital Group Inc.
We look forward to working with your Advisor to bring you the very best custodial and administrative services to help you reach your financial goal. The Sites provides you with access to important documents related to your account at AimStar Capital Group Inc.
It also provides access to important information from the Canadian Investor Protection Fund and the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC), specifically their Investor Guide to Making complaint, which we are required to deliver to you under applicable securities laws.
If you have any questions specifically related to your account or need assistance with registering online for the client secure site, please contact your Advisor.
Thank you for choosing AimStar Capital Group Inc.
Information about the terms & conditions governing your account
Details the fees we charge for various investment services
Information about potential Conflicts of Interest
Information on the Canadian Investor Protection Fund
Information on the Canadian Investor Protection Fund
Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada Brochure
Protecting Investors and Supporting
As a part of our “Green” initiative, we would like to encourage you to sign up for paperless statements, trade confirmations and tax receipt. Your Advisor can assist you with registering online for access to the AimStar client secure website. By clicking on the “Consider Going Paperless” link on the client site, you will be able to opt in for paperless statements, confirmations and tax receipts as well as gain online access to important information regarding your account.
If you would prefer a paper copy of the documents provided on the AimStar Welcome link site, please click here to email our team and we will forward a hard copy to you in the mail.